When Abigail and I were young, we were incredibly close. We were best friends and worst brawlers. We invented a language together. We designed haute couture dresses that could rival Cristian Siriano's designs. We endured a mutual misogyny at the hands of all close males who will deny it to this day, but, caused some deep scars that have required some serious working out. At least for me.
Because I only write for about 20-30 minutes at a time, I don't have the time or the discipline to tell you the millions of things that commend Abby over the past two decades. What I'd like to focus on, is the serendipitous reforging of our friendship in the past two years, like the sword of Elendil into Anduril (yes, I'm a gigantic nerd).
For whatever reason, WP vs. USAFA, husbands, children, sibling rivalry, apathy, superiority complexes...etc...we drifted apart after (or maybe even whilst in) Maine.
My divorce and a year later her widowhood have left us the two old maids at the ball. Or young maids if we are being honest. Evidently, having had a first go at husbands and chidren (failed though it may have been for whatever reason) renders one a second class citizen. Or so far and above the other classes of citizen that one is considered an untouchable. Regardless of the manner in which life has chased us here, Abby and I have arrived at a closer friendship than we have probably ever had before. I hope for her it is the same as it is for me.
For me, I see the open-hearted way in which she accepts the Peter Pan (which is even less tolerable in a lady than a man) period of life upon which I have embarked as a sign of real love. I don't even like me in this place...and yet, she passes no judgement. For the past year I felt like I was the one who was there for her in her time of need, but in recent months I have begun to see that the door swings both ways and she is most certainly someone I can lean on in my time of need. I lost ten years of my life to an impossibly bad marriage to someone who was not my type, whom I may never have loved, whom I will likely never understand. Sometimes it seems like she's the only one who understands that. It also seems that though this time of need may have no determinable end, she is willing tostick it out with me. All the while she has to endure her own widowhood, which is unending, with consequences one could never have foreseen.
I am so happy, and blessed (which seems church ladyish but is not intended in that way at all) to have renewed my friendship with her in these past few years. I hope that we continue this manner. I hope that we provide for each other a support like that of Aaron and Miriam back in exodus. I hope that she feels about me the same way i feel about her. I hope that I have provided her with some sort of comfort, or support or unconditional love that she can feel and hold onto when she is feeling low.
Because sometimes the check is not in the mail. Male. Sometimes people fail us. Fale. Epic. Fail. Because fools rush in all headlong like they can handle the awesomeness, and then they buck out, in reverse, pedal to the floor. Because you can't straight punch these jokers to the throat when they pull a 180 on you. Because you can't legally knock a motherf--r out (or physically when they outweigh you by half a buck and out-testosterone you by a million) just because they see something and get scurred. Because being the strongest most courageous lady most people have ever met doesn't get you much more than a high five and a dozen roses from someone who will never (and would never, and ps you would never want them to) like you like that.
So happy birthday to you Ab. Happy birthday. And I love you. And appreciate you. And I get that recently, my childish behavior has not overtly said so, but I want to be there for you. And I intend to be. Happy freakin birthday.
To those who failed (fail...will wail) to recognize. Sucks to your asthmar, piggie. big time.