Friday, January 24, 2025

This time

 This one goes out to the ones I love 

This one goes out to those I may leave behind. 

I know. You know. The fear of hell?  Of earth? Poverty? Imprisonment? Keeps you from calling it out? I tell you that there is no power on earth (in heaven nor hell above nor below) that can bind you from doing what is right. 

You know what Christ asks if it is possible for  you to do. 

You know 

That he has shown me, oh man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of me. But. To do justly. And. To love mercy. And. To walk humbly with my god.

And when the time was right.

He stood in the synagogue and said 

“The spirit of the lord is upon me 

He has anointed me 

To proclaim the good news to the poor!

He has sent me 

To proclaim FREEDOM to the prisoner

To give sight to the blind

To set the oppressed free  


And there in front of them he proclaimed the scripture fulfilled  

I know you know the truth  

I know you know justice 

I know  you love mercy

I beg you to walk in integrity  

You may ,  thou mayst, timshel

Do not let those who say you cannot, mustn’t, won’t, don’t let them control you .

Do not allow yourself to point to the fact that I don’t believe what you do to disallow your god from using a donkey like me.  I believe like you do that truth and love will find a way.  I know that you too  believe in truth and love   

You too can dream of a better future  

One where we feed and house rather than condemn and incarcerate (modern acceptable vernacular for enslave) Ourselves 

One where we allow our efforts and experience and brilliance to benefit



Hatred of ourselves or fear of what consequence we may fall upon  is what keeps us subservient to the rich and powerful 

 But I ask you…what if? And so what?

What if ensuring my neighbor had a home deprived me of mine  (the fear they instill in us so we don’t advocate equity ) 

But so what? Then there would be two of us side by side on the same road  

What if loving my neighbor as myself required me to love myself despite my ugliness (the learned self loathing of humanity)

But so what? Then you and I would be able to love one another and ourselves more than we could have ever known 

What if the future is so much more abundant than you want to restrict it to because you DONT believe  in you or your neighbor 

But so what? Each step towards faith hope and love  (the greatest of these is love) will gift your future days in ways that you have yet the ability to appreciate. Oh but one day  what a day that will be  


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